e-Health Conference & Tradeshow

May 26th, 2024 to May 28th, 2024


JW Marriott Parq Vancouver


Vancouver, BC


40 + 41

e-Health is the go-to event for Canadian digital health professionals, fostering networking and knowledge exchange among over 1,000 attendees annually. Featuring renowned speakers, expert panels, and cutting-edge exhibitors, it's a vital hub for discussions shaping the future of Canadian healthcare.



Transition of care: Getting patients the right care, at the right place, at the right time.

May 27th, 2024 - 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

According to the National Library of Medicine, "The most vulnerable exchange point within the healthcare system is when a patient is required to transition from one healthcare service to the next, with the greatest potential of health disparities for older adults and chronically ill patients."

Whether a patient is being moved from acute care to a long-term care facility, or from an ER setting to a community clinic, implementing comprehensive, yet easy- to-use, transitional care solutions is vital to supporting positive patient outcomes - and for controlling costs by managing readmission rates. This session brings together representatives from across the healthcare ecosystem to discuss the challenges of implementing transitional care protocols, and how to leverage technologies to drive efficiency, promote collaboration, and mitigate risk.


Peter Smith, President & CEO, Strata Health Solutions

Robert Fox, Chief Executive Officer, OntarioMD, B.Sc., MBA, CHE

Victor Helfrik, Director, Client Success, LGI Healthcare Solutions


Healthcare staff scheduling isn't just important - it's vital to patient care

May 28th, 2024 - 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM

Healthcare staffing shortages have long plagued the Canadian healthcare system, but COVID-19 made an undeniable impact that is still stretching resources like never before. How well healthcare organizations address scheduling challenges may not increase staff numbers, but it can greatly influence how they perform despite being understaffed.

This is part of the reason a growing number of Canadian hospitals and long-term care facilities are abandoning spreadsheets and generic scheduling solutions to manage the shifts of their staff. This panel will discuss how a web-based, healthcare-specific, staff scheduling solution can help address collective agreement compliance, last-minute schedule changes, and critical workflow management.


Anne Baldwin, Director, Change Management & Adoption, Canada Health Infoway

Lucky Bhatti, Sales Director, LGI Healthcare Solutions

Resources relevant for e-Health participants

Emergency solution

Mastering ER Redirection: 10 Strategies from 10 Years of Experience

Human capital solution

Healthcare Workforce Management: Finding the Right Partner

Emergency solution

Emergency care in 2025: why redirection partners matter