LGI Radimage automates the transcription, compilation, and transmission of medical imaging data by connecting to the various systems used in the Quebec healthcare network. Track patient examinations from request creation to final reports.
of clients recommend LGI Radimage
user healthcare facilities in Quebec
exams processed every year
Gain an overview of the patient’s medical imaging pathway from request creation to result transmission
Save doctors and administrative staff time with interoperability options that eliminate the need for manual transcription of information between systems
Get the reports and data you need to perform quality checks, plan opportunities for performance improvement, and better redirect patients
Reduce paper usage, limit transcription errors, and standardize data with a fully computerized process
Imaging request creation
Interoperability for importing and sending imaging requests (PACS, DCI, EMR, MediVisit, LGI eClinibase, etc.)
Real-time tracking of request status (pending, past examination, examination follow-up, results sent, etc.)
Receipt of electronic prescriptions and speech recognition reports from the dictation system
Electronic protocoling of imaging exams
Access to patient history during examination
Extraction of customizable statistical reports: number of exams per specific time period or per type of examination, wait times, comparison with set targets (%)
Automatic transmission of reporting data to the Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS)
Automatic transmission of patient lists to the appointment system*
Two-way interface with the LGI eClinibase’s eVisit module*
*Requires LGI eClinibase
- Step 1 : Initiation
Understand your needs, map out your technological ecosystem, and identify the technical requirements - Step 2 : Implementation
Establish a comprehensive project structure - Step 3 : Transition
Set up the infrastructure and driving tables, and configure LGI Radimage - Step 4 : Execution
Train super users and perform activation - Step 5 : Optimization
Support management changes, track deployment status and remain available for any support required
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Local Electronic Clinical Record (DCI)
Electronic Prescription Systems
Patient Appointments (LGI eClinibase)
BI (LGI eClinibase)
Speech recognition and dictation system
Do not hesitate to contact us to explore all the possibilities of interoperability.

Rigorous patient follow-up for shorter wait times
LGI Radimage makes it possible to follow patients’ pathways, from creating medical imaging requests to transmitting results, including appointment scheduling and wait times. The patient’s prescription and history can be viewed in a single system.

Customized extraction of medical imaging data
Generating tailored statistical reports lets you compare the actual performance of your resources against set targets. With an overview of wait times by exam type and region, you can redirect patients more effectively. Reporting data can be sent automatically to the MSSS.


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