Here you'll find all the information you need to fully understand our rebranding and its impact

LGI Healthcare Solutions Santé female nurse in blue scrubs smiling

Why is Logibec changing its brand?

Since Novacap and Investissement Québec acquired Logibec in 2020, our company culture and ambitions have evolved and changed. As the new management team arrived in 2021, they implemented a multi-year strategic plan to drive expansion in our solutions portfolio and our international expansion. The recent Boston Software Systems acquisition is a concrete example of how this plan is being implemented.

The decision for the rebranding is consistent with this strategic plan. Its purpose is to affirm our revamped vision and corporate culture.

Why "LGI Healthcare Solutions"?

Our decision was primarily based on our desire to honour our roots and support our plan to expand internationally.

“LGI” echoes our foundation as “Logibec Groupe Informatique.” The words “healthcare” and “solutions” emphasize our industry along with our technology offering.

What will be the impact on our contractual agreements with Logibec?

Although Logibec will be changing its business name to LGI Healthcare Solutions, the Logibec name remains valid. We will update our company name gradually, as contracts are renewed.

New contract documents will progressively include the new name.

When and how will “LGI Healthcare Solutions” replace “Logibec” in the ecosystem?

Our priority is and always will be providing great service to our clients. Our branding change must not compromise this goal.

As such, our new company name will be gradually incorporated into our documentation, work environments, and products. Some changes will take a few weeks, others a few months. It’s entirely possible that Logibec's brand will persist in some environments for more than a year. This transition phase is perfectly normal.

Will the @logibec email addresses still be functional?

Yes. Both addresses (@logibec.com and @lgisolutions.com) will be active and can be used to contact us.

This applies to all generic email addresses (info@logibec.com, sc_espresso_grfgrm@logibec.com, sc_technique@logibec.com, etc.). It also applies to the @logibec.com email addresses used by our clients and partners on collaborative projects.

Please note, that as of November 27, 2023, all emails sent by our company will be sent using the address @lgisolutions.com instead of @logibec.com. We therefore recommend that our customers and partners add "lgisolutions.com" to their authorized domains so that they can continue to receive our communications.

We’re using an API that searches for information in environments in the @logibec.com domain. Is it still valid?

Yes. Any external API or cloud environment that uses our old domain name remains functional.

What does your international expansion mean to your current clients?

Developing and improving IT solutions for our clients remains a priority. Our history and proximity to our clients are assets on which we want to continue to build. In the medium and long term, our aim is to expand our solutions portfolio to better equip healthcare facilities, wherever they are.

Why did you change your solutions names on your website, but not in our environment?

Changing our name must not interfere with our priority, which remains to serve our clients the best we can. Our product names will be integrated gradually into future developments so that they don't interfere with current operations.

Is there a meaning behind your new logo?

The main function of updating our logo is to represent the branding. However, as is often the case, the logo contains a degree of symbolism.

  • Its roundness evokes continuity and fluidity — the cyclical aspect of technological developments.

  • The opening in the “G” evokes openness and the space we have for evolution. These concepts apply both to the mindset of our corporate culture and to the interoperability of our solutions.

  • The thickness of the lines represents the solid foundation of a reliable company. We are, and will continue to be, a technology partner that healthcare facilities can rely on.

  • The logo’s relatively low-key and simple look evokes humility. We are not the heroes of healthcare, but we strive to support those who are by automating and simplifying their administrative processes.

As a client, supplier or partner of your company, is there anything I need to do?

No. This change shouldn't require any action on your part, and we’ll contact you directly.  

However, if your documents or website pages mention "Logibec", you can start replacing them now with "LGI Healthcare Solutions (formerly Logibec)" to make the transition easier. Similarly, if your team or healthcare facility uses the Logibec logo in a web portal or in its documentation, feel free to download the new LGI Healthcare Solutions logo to update your content.